On this page, you will find:

To find organisations working for LGBTQI+ rights, visit our Türkiye LGBTQI+ Resources page.
For Türkiye country of information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries, and relevant documents visit our Türkiye COI page. 

Refugee protection

Click here to see the numbers and origins of refugees hosted by Türkiye. 

The following sections contain information on the most important international treaties and agreements of which Türkiye is signatory, as well as national legislation relevant to the protection of refugees.

The Republic of Türkiye is party to the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. However, Türkiye maintains the geographical limitation to the 1951 Convention, thus retaining settlement to a third country as the most preferred solution for refugees arriving in Türkiye due to events outside of Europe. Türkiye continues to host the largest number of refugees worldwide, currently home to 3.6 million registered Syrians under temporary protection and close to 320,000 persons of concern from other nationalities.

Türkiye is not party to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.

As of 10 September 2018, UNHCR withdrew from all registration, referral, and refugee status determination processes in Türkiye. Since 2018, the Presidency of Migration Management (PMM) (Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı) (formerly, Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM)) has been the sole responsible body for processing all asylum procedures in Türkiye.

The Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu’nun Uygulanmasına dair Yönetmelik) states that international protection applications should be made in person to a Provincial Directorate of Migration Management (İl Göç İdaresi Müdürlüğü). Directorates initiate and undertake the registration and further processing of international protection applications (art. 65). Protection applications can also be made at borders and to law enforcement units. These applications will be immediately referred to a Provincial Directorate of Migration Management.

In April 2013, Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection (6458 Sayılı Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu) set out the main pillars of Türkiye’s asylum system. Under this legislation, foreigners and others with international protection will not be sent back to countries where they will suffer inhuman treatment, punishment, or persecution on the basis of race, religion, or group membership. The international protection system in Türkiye is laid down in detail in the third section of the aforementioned legislation and there are four different types of protection statuses that can be granted to applicants in Türkiye.

1) Refugee status

According to Article 61 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, a refugee is a person who as a result of events occurring in European countries and owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his citizenship and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it, shall be granted refugee status upon completion of the refugee status determination process.

It should be noted that the geographical restriction on the 1951 Convention is reiterated in the national legislation. Accordingly, Article 3(b) of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection states that “European countries” refer to member countries of the European Council and other countries that may be designated by the Council of Ministers.

2) Conditional refugee status

Conditional refugee status is a concept unique to Turkish law due to Türkiye’s geographical restriction on the 1951 Convention. Conditional refugee status was introduced for the purpose of differentiating between convention refugees originating from non-European countries and those originating from European countries.

Article 62 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection sets forth that a conditional refugee is a person who as a result of events occurring outside European countries and owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it, shall be granted conditional refugee status upon completion of the refugee status determination process.

Conditional refugees are allowed to reside in Türkiye temporarily until they are resettled to a third country.

3) Subsidiary protection status

According to Article 63 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, a foreigner or a stateless person, who neither could be qualified as a refugee nor as a conditional refugee, shall nevertheless be granted subsidiary protection upon the status determination because if returned to the country of origin or country of [former] habitual residence would

a) be sentenced to death or face the execution of the death penalty;
b) face torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
c) face serious threat to himself or herself by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or nationwide armed conflict;

and therefore is unable or for the reason of such threat is unwilling, to avail himself or herself of the protection of his country of origin or country of [former] habitual residence.

The subsidiary protection status in Türkiye is analogous to the subsidiary protection definition provided by the EU Qualification Directive (art.15).

4) Temporary Protection status

In Article 91 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection; the grounds for granting temporary protection are laid down as the following:

Temporary protection may be provided for foreigners who have been forced to leave their country, cannot return to the country that they have left, and have arrived at or crossed the borders of Türkiye in a mass influx situation seeking immediate and temporary protection

The Temporary Protection Regulation (Geçici Koruma Yönetmeliği) was adopted on 22 October 2014, and further details the rights and obligations of individuals under temporary protection in Türkiye, as well as the procedures for granting temporary protection.  

For more information regarding the national legal framework in Türkiye, please consult the following sources:
– Law no. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection (6458 Sayılı Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu) in Turkish, Persian, and Arabic.
Website of the Presidency of Migration Management
UNHCR Türkiye Help Page
AIDA Country Report on Türkiye

Legal aid organisations

Email: cases@advocatesabroad.org

Advocates Abroad opened its operations at the Idomeni, Greece border in 2016. Since then, it’s legal, research, interpreter, and psychosocial teams have worked in a variety of countries including Greece, Italy, Switzerland, and Türkiye. Advocates Abroad provides on the ground legal aid as requested, in which qualified lawyers will prepare asylum seekers for interviews, assist in reunification processes, and run information sessions. Advocates Abroad also has around the clock services in 25 different languages, as well as a dedicated group of psychologists, trauma therapists, and other medical professionals to provide evaluations, crisis intervention, and general support. 

Email: info@ahcsa.org

Afghanistan Hazaras Culture and Solidarity Association was established in 2012 in Trabzon. The association works for the rights of refugees, problems related to refugee children, refugee women and elderly refugees as they constitute a risk group. In this context, it offers consultancy, referral, case management and interpreting services. AHCSA has organised many courses in the field of non-formal education and social cohesion in cooperation with local authorities.

Address: Sahabiye mahallesi. Ahmet paşa bulvarı no 24A kocasinan Kayseri
Tel: +90 352 222 54 81
Email: info@arsa.org.tr

Afghan Refugees Solidarity Association is a non-governmental organization established in Türkiye in 2009. With a primary focus on protection, women’s support, and legal and information assistance, ARSA has demonstrated a comprehensive commitment to serving the needs of refugees and vulnerable populations. ARSA was established with a commitment to addressing the needs of displaced individuals. ARSA has worked in the protection field for many years and has been working institutionally with UNHCR for 5 years and GIZ for 2 years.
Some of their activities include:
  • Protection: ARSA has a robust history of providing social and legal support to refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants. The organization actively engages with local communities to ensure the protection and well-being of those it serves. Through various initiatives, ARSA has built a network of support to address the challenges faced by refugees, contributing to their overall safety and security.
  • Women’s Support: Recognizing the specific needs of women in vulnerable situations, ARSA has implemented targeted programs to support and empower refugee women. These initiatives encompass various activities, including skill-building programs, awareness campaigns, and advocacy for women’s rights. ARSA’s commitment to gender equality is evident in its efforts to address the unique challenges faced by women in the context of displacement.
  • Legal and Information Support: ARSA plays a crucial role in providing legal assistance and information to refugees navigating complex legal landscapes. The organization ensures that refugees have access to  accurate information about their rights and available resources. This commitment extends to facilitating legal processes, such as asylum applications, and advocating for the rights of refugees within the legal framework.

Address: Ürgenpaşa, Antioch, Turkey 31003
Tel: +90 352 222 54 81
Email: info@arsa.org.tr

Amal Healing and Advocacy Center (AHAC) is an organization led by women specialized in empowering women and raising their capabilities. It aims to create a safe society for women in which they enjoy their full rights without discrimination or violence.
Some of their activities include:
  • Contributing to changing the status of women in Syrian society and supporting them by increasing their awareness of their rights and opportunities through advocacy campaigns, awareness-raising sessions, and meetings with decision-makers and key and influential people, whether in the refugee community or inside Syria.
  • Providing psychosocial support services by providing safe spaces for women, girls and children to carry out social activities that relieve life stresses due to asylum.
  • Providing specialized services in the psychological and legal field for women affected by violence in all its forms. Especially in times of wars and crises, especially survivors of detention and sexual violence, families of victims of enforced disappearance and victims of human rights violations in all its forms.
  • Carrying out capacity-building activities and empowering women at all levels, whether in the political, legal, administrative or professional fields, to truly participate in public affairs or at the family level.

Tel (Consulting): +90 (0312) 212 60 12 
Tel (Administrative): +90 (0312) 212 60 13
Email: info@sgdd-asam.org
Contact Person: Lawyer Sinan Yolalan

The Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (SGDD-ASAM) has over two thousand full-time employees and 55 offices across 30 provinces in Türkiye. The association works on protection, psychosocial support, development of life skills, emergency response, and aid, without discrimination based on language, religion, gender, race, and political opinion. ASAM can assist with legal processes including registration of asylum seekers (non-Syrian) on behalf of the UNHCR Türkiye Office, inform new arrivals on their rights and obligations in Türkiye, protect asylum seekers and refugees arriving in Turkey, provide psychosocial and legal support, and provide assistance (shelter, financial resources, etc.) for the most vulnerable of refugees and asylum seekers. 

Address: Ugur mahalesi 848 sokak no: 16 35260 Konak, İzmir Province, Türkiye
Tel: +90 232 483 54 21
Email: bilgi@multeci.org.tr

The Association for Solidarity with Refugees (MülteciDer) was founded in January 2008 in İzmir. It works in the areas of human rights, humanitarian solidarity, and humanitarian aid, providing services like legal counseling, psychosocial counseling, research, and advocacy. MülteciDer will assist with cases regarding risk of deportation, access to basic rights, non-refoulement, readmission, and migration related child detention and detention of vulnerable groups. MülteciDer will also carry out research and reporting activities on conditions in detention places, and access to basic services such as health, shelter, education, food, and clothing. 

Legal Information Website – Legal information available in English, Spanish, Creole, Arabic, Pashto, Farsi (Dari). 

The International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) provides free legal help to some refugees and displaced people. IRAP cannot grant refugee status or visas or speed up cases. IRAP cannot provide financial help, find or pay for housing, or find jobs. They do not make any decisions concerning resettlement and they are completely independent of UNHCR and national governments. Any information sent to IRAP is highly confidential, and all services are free of charge. IRAP provides free legal services to refugees seeking refugee protection and resettlement. 

IRAP can help some people in processes like: 

  • Afghan and Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa applications. IRAP helps with some kinds of Chief of Mission appeals.
  • Family reunification for refugees with relatives in the United States and in some European countries. IRAP helps with some stages and some kinds of family reunification processes.
  • UNHCR processes. IRAP represents some refugees in certain UNHCR processes in certain countries. 
  • U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) applications. IRAP helps with some kinds of Requests for Review (RFRs) of USRAP denials.
  • Some other processes, like refugees in the U.S. applying for a refugee travel document.

How to contact IRAP

Anyone can request legal help through their chatbot on Facebook by clicking here or on Telegram by clicking here

This webform is for Afghan SIV applicants who want to file or have received denials from the Chief of Mission (COM) and who do not currently have an application or appeal pending review at COM to request legal help.

IRAP Jordan accepts requests for assistance through this form. The form is only available when IRAP Jordan is accepting new requests for assistance. If the form is not available, please check back to that link regularly.

IRAP is not able to assist everyone who contacts them, and emailing them or getting in touch does not create an attorney-client relationship.


Address: Refik Saydam Cad. Dilber Apt. No: 39 Kat: 4 Daire: 11 Sishane, Beyoglu – Istanbul
General Tel: +90 212 292 48 30
General Fax: +90 212 292 48 33

RRT General Legal Assistance Helpdesk: 
For Arabic, English and French calls: 0549 510 52 02
For Farsi and Turkish calls: 0549 510 52 03

RRT Detention Helpdesk:
Requests and referrals for detention cases only: 0507 218 62 85

General email: info@mhd.org.tr
Contact Person: Oktay Durukan, Director

RRT is an independent NGO based in Istanbul, providing specialized legal information and assistance to asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants in Türkiye, including persons in immigration detention. RRT offers legal services in relation to national asylum procedures for refugees from both Syria and other countries of origin, deportation and immigration procedures, and general access to rights and services questions. RRT also offers comprehensive legal materials and videos for refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants, all of which are delivered in a variety of languages

Organisations providing other support to refugees


CARE Türkiye is responding to the refugee crisis with cash assistance, hygiene promotion, dignity kits for women and the elderly, and by establishing community groups that address protection issues, including psychosocial needs, early marriage, and gender-based violence.  

However, significant gaps between needs and response persist. Our programming in Türkiye focuses on protection, basic needs, and economic empowerment for refugees, especially women and girls

Contact Person: Barış Karacasu / Günizi Satar
Email: baris@ihd.org.tr and hukuk@ihd.org.tr

IHD was founded in 1986 following the military coup d’état of September 1980. The association was created by the relatives of prisoners, intellectuals, writers, journalists, doctors, lawyers, and a variety of other human rights defenders. Today IHD continues its work to protect the right to life, abolish capital punishment, prevent executions, and find forcibly displaced persons. IHD publishes reports, press releases, and investigates complaints regarding a number of human rights violations including explosive ordinance, freedom of expression, violence against women and children, and forced disappearances. You can access the complaint form here.

Address: Güniz Sokak 38/8 06700 Kavaklıdere/Ankara -TURKEY
Tel: 0090 312 428 06 10-11
Fax: 0090 312 428 06 13
Email: posta@rightsagenda.org

The  HRAA, an independent national NGO, was founded in 2002 in İzmir. It currently has three offices in Ankara, İzmir, and Diyarbakir. In addition to monitoring human rights status activities in both Turkey and neighboring countries, the HRAA works to promote awareness of rights under international and European law. HRAA carries out research and professional workshops to promote the analysis and development of a common understanding of European asylum law, cooperation among domestic and international NGOs, and to improve living conditions of migrants. 

Address: Tavsanli Apt. Kat 4 No 11 / Diyarbakir / Turkey
Tel: +90 41 22 24 44 77
Fax: +90 41 22 28 88 80
Email: sohram@hotmail.com

SOHRAM-CASA, in Diyarbakir, works with survivors of violence and torture. Its website navigates fully in Turkish and the organisation offers therapy and medical assistance to those impacted by violence and torture. They will also assist in the preparation of legal reports and consultations for survivors. SOHRAM-CASA also carries out research and educative programmes. 

Address: Gumussuyu Mah. A Ciragi Sk. N7 Daire 3, Beyoğlu – İstanbul
Tel: +90 212 292 68 42 – 43
Fax: +90 0 212 292 68 44
Email: iletisim@hyd.org.tr
Contact Person: Tuba Dokur (tuba@hyd.org.tr) / Fatma Melek Taylan (meletaylan@gmail.com)

The Citizens’ Assembly is an NGO based in Istanbul that promotes fundamental rights and liberties, as well as democracy and pluralism. Although it does not directly provide legal aid to refugees, it collaborates with Bar Associations and lawyers throughout Turkey. The Citizens’ Assembly is a member of the advisory committee on the SILA project, and Urfa Bar Association Refugee Commission. The Citizens’ Assembly provides psychosocial and primary healthcare to Syrian refugees living in Kilis, Turkey and advocates for legislation and policies in line with international standards, as well as monitors state policies and practices in irregular migration control. 

Türkiye LGBTQI+ Resources

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Türkiye COI

Find Türkiye Country of Origin information (COI) experts, reports, commentaries, and relevant documents. 

We are always looking to expand the resources on our platform. If you know about relevant resources, or you are aware of organisations and/or individuals to include in our directories, please get in touch.

Last updated October 2024