On this page, you will find:

To find organisations working for LGBTQI+ rights, visit our United Arab Emirates LGBTQI+ Resources page.
To find organisations providing legal or other types of assistance to refugees in the United Arab Emirates, visit our United Arab Emirates Legal Assistance page

COI Experts

Email: Bradeljic@nebrija.es or branislav.radeljic@gmail.com  

Branislav Radeljic is a seasoned professional, focusing on European and Middle Eastern political and socioeconomic developments. He has a BA from the University of Rome La Sapienza, two MA degrees from the Free University of Brussels, and a PhD from the University of London. He lectured for many years in the United Kingdom and, more recently, he has held professorships in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. In addition, he has held visiting appointments at Nebrija University in Madrid, the London School of Economics and Political Science, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Michigan and the University of Pittsburgh. 

Professor Radeljic is the author of Europe and the Collapse of Yugoslavia: The Role of Non-State Actors and European Diplomacy (2012), editor of Europe and the post-Yugoslav Space (2013), Debating European Identity: Bright Ideas, Dim Prospects (2014), European Community-Yugoslav Relations: Debates and Documents that Mattered (1968–1992) (2017), and The Unwanted Europeanness: Understanding Division and Inclusion in Contemporary Europe (2021), and co-editor of Religion in the post-Yugoslav Context (2015), Kosovo and Serbia: Contested Options and Shared Consequences (2016), Researching Yugoslavia and Its Aftermath: Sources, Prejudices and Alternative Solutions (2021), and Turkey’s Return to the Western Balkans: Policies of Continuity and Transformation (2022). For a complete list, please see Professor Radeljic’s Google Scholar profile. 

Professor Radeljic has conducted research and provided specialized services to a broad range of clients, including government entities and non-governmental stakeholders. His work has involved thorough evaluations of governance regimes, institutional transparency and accountability, and prospects for increased citizen participation. He has conducted in-depth analyses of risk and conflict management, identifying effective strategies for mitigation and resolution. His expertise extends to examining regional cooperation initiatives and the roles of international organizations in facilitating collaborative efforts across borders.

As an expert witness, Professor Radeljic has provided reports and testimony in legal proceedings in relation to asylum, refugee, and immigration matters. In terms of countries of origin, he covers Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, and the United Arab Emirates. His working languages are English, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (BCS), Italian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, and Russian. 

Tel: +44 02 07 60 43 027
Skype: george.joffe
Email:  email@georgejoffe.com 

Professor George Joffé is prepared to provide country of origin experts witness statements for Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morroco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. He is now retired but is still affiliated to the London Middle East Institute at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. Until 2017, Professor Joffé was an affiliated lecturer at the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) in the University of Cambridge, where he also ran the Centre for North African Studies. From 2005 to 2010, he was a research fellow at the Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Oxford. From 1997 to 2000, Professor Joffé was the deputy-director of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. He regularly addresses professional audiences at the NATO Defence College in Rome, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in Geneva, the Norwegian Foreign Ministry and NOREF in Oslo and the Royal College of Defence Studies in London. He has also advised the European Commission (DG Relex), EuropAid and the new External Action Service.

Email: rebwar@mideastconsultancy.com  or info@mideastconsultancy.com

Dr Rebwar Fatah is the Director of the Middle East Consultancy Services. Dr Fatah has produced thousands of COI reports since he began working as an expert witness in 2000. In the past five years alone, Dr Fatah has produced 1,341 Expert Reports on the Middle East. These include:

  • 830 Country Expert Reports
  • 416 Document Authentication Reports
  • 95 Nationality Reports

Dr Fatah’s reports have been commissioned for and cited in several immigration appeals, as well as family and criminal cases. Moreover, he has assessed many people from the Middle East whose nationality, native language, ethnicity, place of residence has been disputed, and has examined thousands of documents from the MENA region. In addition to a deep knowledge of the region’s administrative and bureaucratic cultures, Dr Fatah’s multilingual proficiencies enable him to understand, interpret and evaluate official documents in the Middle East. As a part of this work, Dr Fatah has produced his own methodology for document authentications and nationality examinations.

Dr Fatah has also provided written and oral evidence in court; among them are five Country Guidance Cases, two Turkish extradition orders and many other cases. Moreover, Dr Fatah has also reviewed and provided guidance on Home Office CPIN reports.

Dr Fatah regularly visits the Middle East, conducting fact-finding missions to ensure that his knowledge is up to date and based on reliable information. Dr Fatah speaks most of the Middle Eastern languages as well as their various dialects. Dr Fatah’s Country Expert Reports cover a wide range of issues, including the general security situation, sufficiency of protection, crimes of honour, healthcare, corruption, and at-risk groups of different sexual, religious, political and cultural profiles.

Email: gabbay@muslimworldexpert.com

Dr Shaul Gabbay acts as a resource for immigration attorneys seeking advice, counsel and expert testimony in asylum cases. Formerly the Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of Israel in the Middle East at the University of Denver, he has published extensively on cultures and customs in all Muslim countries, persecution issues based on family dishonor, gender and homosexuality, and sociology and politics of the Muslim world. Professor Gabbay’s expertise helps immigration attorneys and judges understand key societal issues and trends in the Muslim world that have life-threatening repercussions for Muslim immigrants throughout the U.S. at risk of deportation. His oral testimony and written analysis draws on his extensive knowledge and examination of cultural practices in Muslim countries as well as his life experience growing up in the Middle East. 

COI Resources

Document link

This report by The International Campaign for Freedom in the United Arab Emirates (UCFUAE) provides an account of statelessness in the UAE and the legal framework. Noting that statelessness disproportionately affects women, children, and migrants in the country, the report makes policy recommendations for ending statelessness.

United Arab Emirates Legal Assistance

Find organisations offering legal and other types of assistance to refugees in the United Arab Emirates.

United Arab Emirates LGBTQI+ Resources

Find organisations working for refugee LGBTQI+ rights in the United Arab Emirates.

We are always looking to expand the resources on our platform. If you know about relevant experts, or you are aware of organisations and/or resources to include in our directories, please get in touch.

Last updated August 2024